About me...

A brief introduction...
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Joined: Fri Feb 24, 2023 1:51 pm
Location: Fairbanks, AK

About me...

Post by MikeFairbanks »

My name is Mike Davis, I live in Fairbanks Alaska... thus MikeFairbanks. I was born in 1967 so there's my tail number 967MD. I spent from 1986 - 1998 as an active duty United States Marine, where I was an aviation electronics tech on A6 and F/A-18 aircraft. I was also heavily into computers and while still on active duty built an Internet service back in the days of dial-up. In 1998 I became a Reserve Marine and got a job at a satellite tracking facility, in 1999 I transferred to a NASA site in Alaska that my company had the contract to operate. NASA shut their site down in 2008, and I went to work for the company that bought the assets and am still with them today. Unfortunately there was no workable opportunity to continue my Reserve Marine service in Alaska, so I separated after 14 years. In 2015 my new company finally completed the consolidation of their site in Alaska with the antennas they purchased from my old company location at Poker Flat Research Range. Here's a video I made shortly after we got the new build completed using my first home made video drone...

I am a die hard airplane nut! I started flying model aircraft when I was 8 years old, and have never stopped.
I got my private pilots license shortly after my 35th birthday. I built a Quicksilver MX ultralight as an amateur built aircraft and N-numbered it. I also helped a friend build a Murphy SR2500, and started but did not complete my own Murphy Moose kit. On the Murphy front, I have operated the Murphy Builders Site since 1997. While I was building my Murphy Moose I bought a 1968 Cessna 150, which I still own today. Alaska is a wonderful and amazing place to be a pilot, and I have seen so many beautiful places in my humble C150. But the much more capable Kitfox will unlock so much more!
The very first kit aircraft I looked at was the Kitfox back in the late 80's. It has sure changed a lot since then, and so have I... both of us are bigger now and carry more weight! But I really think the design has matured a lot, and it's a terrific aircraft.

So, to sum things up... I'm a crayon eating techno geek who loves airplanes! :lol:
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